Sunday, November 7, 2010

Fostering/Adoption for those of you that may have thought about fostering/adopting...what are you waiting for? All of those horror stories that you hear are not the standard. Everyone that I know that has gone through the system has had a positive experience.

No, it is not the easiest.  I am not going to lie and tell you that it is. It is, however, the most rewarding thing that you will ever do. Look at the face of my baby. Try to tell me that it was not worth it? It was!

There are a lot of children in the system that need a safe place to live. You hear all of the horror stories of children being abused, neglected, raped, and even worse..sometimes it happens in a foster home. Stop shaking your head and it and saying "So sad..." Step up and do something about it.

For any single women out there thinking, I can't afford it. It is not easy, but there is help for you. No matter what anyone tells you that a child should have a father, it is better than where they were right?  (or they would not be in the system)

I am not saying this is right for everyone. It is not. If you have been thinking about it, contact me and I can get your more information or if you are in Wisconsin, go to

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